To book an appointment, please give us a call


Below you’ll find all the information on making an appointment with us, what to expect, how much it costs and some frequently asked questions.

We allow up to 30 minutes for your first treatment. During this appointment we will ask you to complete a consent form and take details of your medical history, so please bring a list of any prescribed medication.

We will then assess your foot health and listen to any concerns or problems you are having with your feet. We will cut and file your nails, painlessly reducing the thickness where necessary. We will conduct vascular and neurological tests. We will remove any hard skin and corns, dealing with cracked skin at the same time.

If you are feeling pressure at the side of your nail you may have an ingrowing toenail – or a corn at the side of the nail. We will diagnose the problem and relieve the discomfort. Many ingrowing toenails can be solved without the need for surgery, but where surgery is required we will refer you to the NHS Podiatry service or give you details of Podiatrists in Private Practice who will perform the surgery for you.

We will address any other concerns you have, whether foot pain, verrucas or cracked skin. Many problems can be resolved in a single visit, but if not, we can always make you more comfortable and will recommend a plan of action to get your feet into the best shape possible.

Finally, your treatment will be concluded with the application of soothing foot cream. You will leave feeling like you are walking on air!

Treatment Fees:

Full Appointment

25 minutes


Verruca Treatment



Here are some common questions we get asked about making an appointment, if you have any specific questions just let us know.

Do I need to bring anything with me on my first appointment
Before your first appointment, we will ask you to fill out a new patient form, that will ask for your details and for you to read and sign the privacy statement, therefore, if possible, we ask that you arrive 5 minutes before your appointment time. We also ask if you could bring in a list of medication that you take as we need to take a full medical history during the appointment.
Should I remove my nail varnish
In order for us to thoroughly check your feet and toenails, it is vital that we can see the toenails, therefore, if possible, we ask that you take off any nail polish before your appointment to save time.
Who will be treating my feet
All of our clinicians are fully qualified Podiatrists, registered with the HCPC (Health and Care Professions Council). This means that they are experienced practitioners, qualified with a degree in Podiatry, and have to adhere to strict regulations specified by the HCPC, which includes the sterilisation of instruments, 1000 clinic hours completed before they are allowed to treat patients on their own, and confidentiality. You can check the online register of Podiatrists on the HCPC website. You can also read more about the podiatrists who work here on the our practice page.
Do you just provide a toe nail cutting service as I can't reach my toes

Maybe you don’t experience any problems with your feet, but cannot reach to cut your nails? After your first full appointment, we will let you know if your feet would be suitable to a short appointment for a simple nail cut.

This is a 10-minute appointment, costing £25, during which we cut and file your nails. We don`t reduce the thickness of your nails or deal with any corns or callus. For those who qualify for a short appointment, we just ask that you arrive on time, and that you have regular appointments ( every 4-12 weeks). Once a year you will be required to have a full appointment, so that we can check your general foot health.

How often should I make an appointment?
Most patients find it beneficial to visit us at regular intervals, and we will plan the best timescale for this with you at your appointment. This will normally be for a routine appointment lasting 20-25 minutes. Our treatments are carried out on dry feet to ensure long lasting results.
I think I have a verruca what should I do?
If you suspect you have a verruca, it is a good idea to have it diagnosed by a qualified podiatrist before deciding whether to treat it. A surprising number of suspected verruca`s turn out to be corns! Whether corn or verruca, the treatments are very different and you can do a lot of damage by treating inappropriately. Your first appointment will be a half hour appointment at which we will diagnose the problem, and give you details of the variety of treatment options, which may be in clinic or self-treating.

You may need to attend clinic regularly for several weeks for verruca treatments and we will discuss the cost at your first appointment.

How long are appointments
Whatever your foot problem, you will be allocated a full half an hour for your first appointment. This gives us chance to take details of your medical history (please bring a list of medication) and an opportunity to examine your feet and assess their condition and any problems you may be experiencing. We test the circulation to your feet and conduct neurological tests.

Subsequent appointments are normally 20 – 25 minutes

To make an appointment please email or

Call: 01922 615163

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